Friday, March 04, 2011

Kitchen gadgets - rotary cheese graters

Imagine delicous platefuls of steaming pasta just aching for a fresh grating of Parmesan cheese to add the perfect cheesey finish. Rotary cheese graters are commonplace at Italian restaurants, and now you can enjoy the same ease of grating at home - grate fresh cheeses over your family's dinner tonight, and just maybe they'll confuse you for a friendly waiter and hand over a tip!


kpologa said...

I own a rotary cheese grater and I absolutely love it! I find that it is SO much easier to use that the typical grater that I worry will slice up my fingers if I misjudge the amount of cheese left in the hunk. Not to mention that the cheese tends to come out in perfect slices!

hot_cook said...

I used to have a wonderful rotary cheese grater, which was very cheap and was metal and plastic. When it broke, I got a new all-metal one which was more expensive but was rubbish. There was too much space between the holder and the grater and large wodges of cheese got stuck between them. If only I could find one just like the original...